'Being granted asylum, we're able to march and be a part of something so beautiful.' As one participant put it, 'Love will always win. 'I'm from a country where I almost died a couple of times,' one person told us. 'My mother came out when I was six and I marched in my first Gay Pride Parade. It served as a reminder of everything the LGBT community has achieved so far, and also represented hope for the future. Thousands of people took to the streets of New York City on Sunday to celebrate LGBTQ Pride Month and. Of course, this year's celebration was also a show of solidarity, happening just weeks after the tragic shooting in Orlando that claimed 49 lives, as well as the foiled attack on a pride parade in Los Angeles. Another attendee agreed, adding, 'Pride means being true to yourself and celebrating love.'
It also came just days after the historic Stonewall Inn was named the first national monument to LGBT rights by President Obama.(The Stonewall Inn was the site of the Stonewall uprising in 1969, which is credited as one of the first major events to kick off the movement for LGBT rights in the U.S.) 'Pride, to me, is embracing love is love is love,' one paradegoer said, expressing the overall feeling on the streets that day. Hodges ruling by the Supreme Court, which legalized same-sex marriage nationwide. The record turnout was due in part to the fact that this year's parade fell on the one-year anniversary of the historic Obergefell v.